The International Miniature Horse and Pony Society

Members Privileges
​Eligibility to passport your equines with the International Miniature Horse and Pony Society at a discounted rate.
The opportunity to show your registered horses in another category at many of the qualifying shows.
Chance to compete for the International Supreme Member title at the Miniature Horse of the Year Show each year (MHOYS)
Register and Passport Animals with the Society
Advertising on our site for miniature horse & pony sales at a discounted rate.
Advertising on our site for miniature stallions at stud at a discounted rate.
Advertising your stud/farm/equine business for FREE
Membership Cost 2024
Membership runs from January to December
Family membership includes two adults living at the same address and an unlimited number of children under 18
Annual Associate Membership Fee £25
Family Associate Membership Fee £35
Membership Form Download
To apply for membership please complete the form and return to the Registrar. If you would like to pay by standing order, a form is included in the membership form download.